Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Just want to inform you that LiveWIRE will be conducting a 3 session workshop for anybody wishing to know more about writing a business plan. I was wondering whether teacher will be interested. The Facilitator is one of our business plan awards winner. He now has his own IT business training school. So he will be conducting the workshop. Attached is the itinerary for the workshops.

Date : 22nd May 2009 (friday) Session 1,
5th June 2009 (friday) Session 2,
26th June 2009 (friday) Session 3

Time : 8:30am to 11:30am.

Please let all the interested teachers or student knows that this is available for them. There is a fee for this. We are charging minimal charges B$10.00 per person for the complete 3 sessions. Please call Dina or Norul 2335064 / 8861474 for more info. It would be good to let us know the number in advance as our training centre is quite limited in space. if necessary we can rent a bigger place to conduct the workshop. Let us know.


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