Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Good news to students/teachers!

We are inviting a lady (winner from Livewire Business Award 2007) to give a motivational talk to students for the competition. She has also won for HSBC Young Entrepreneur Award in the same year!!!

Thus, we have the pleasure of inviting you (teachers+students)to come & learn from her business plan presentation as part of the Livewire Business Award 2009 briefing to teachers and students for secondary schools. RSVP to 8235459 or call at office 2384333 as seats are limited.

The Briefing will be held in Curriculum Development Department, Conference Hall, Ministry of Education, on 14 May 2009 at 2.15pm.

Her experience and expertise will bring insight to participants and will assist teachers in guiding students to come up with a quality Business Plan.

Opening speech by chairperson
Keynote by Livewire

Briefing by HOD SM Menglait on Entrepreneurship club activities


Presentation by Suserena Hj Hashim

Thank you and Wassalam.

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