Thursday, 27 November 2008

SPE/SPA Briefing Part One

The SPE/SPA briefing was held in the new MOE meeting yesterday on the 27th November 2008.  Some 80 teachers/education officers from both government and non-government schools were invited.

The lined up agenda for the day were as followed:

Recitation of Al-Fatihah
Welcoming Speech by Chairperson
Reorganizing Commercial Studies Scheme of Work Year 7 and Year 8
SPN 21 Assessment Format: "Weighting" for Commercial Studies
Brief explanation on School Based Assessment (SBA) Year 7
Short talks on School Progress Examination (SPE) Year 8
Brief discussion on the topics assigned for each school - Question Bank

Teachers signing in upon arrival

The turn up was quite good

The chairperson

Some of the committee members

Some of the topics touched on

There will be another session on the 29th of November 2008 at the same venue.  The agenda will be more interesting and a very useful and resourceful CD will be given out.  Don't miss out the chance.  See you on Saturday.

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